Chapter 22 The End of Empire

After reading the chapter we see that many countries were gaining independence, we see people like Ghandi taking a stand a peaceful stand. We see the racial discrimination he faced and many Indian and Muslims. We see that many countries were starting to gain their independence. He was confrontational but never used violence to make his statement.  

He wanted to help Muslims and Indians from racial discrimination. Being a man of education he helped them and raised awareness to equality. This is so important because too this day we are still struggling with racial inequalities. We have so many movements and people speaking up which is so important. We have to take a stand but the saddest part is that some people are trying to do peaceful protests but they end up becoming violent. It's sickening to know how many people have horrible mindsets and would hurt someone because of their color.

Top 20 Most Inspiring Mahatma Gandhi Quotes of All Time


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