Quiz 4!

2) Anne Mawathe. “Coronavirus: Why Africans should take part in vaccine trials.” BBC. May 18, 2020. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-52678741
    While reading the article we see that the key point was that scientists were saying that Africa should be the place they would run test trials for COVID-19 which resulted in backlash. The scientist requesting it be done in Africa stated that it should be done since they don't wear masks, have treatments, and don't resuscitate. This was extremely hurtful to fellow African and many verbalized that they shouldn't be treated like Guniea Pigs. In the past another test was done that killed a elven children and left many disabled and ended up with a major payout to the parents of disabled and lost children. This a topic that I focused on for my research project. Racial discrimination and the backlash that many people of color face. We see all the time that Blacks, Latinos are always outcasted or discriminated because of the prejudicial views that they hold. We see that they are pinpointing Africans and saying hey we already know that the don't have the funds or the resources so why not test them and if they die we know they wont resuscitate. This is very sad to read because instead of providing medical help such as face masks and treatment they would rather just use them. 
    This reminds me what we learned in the book specifically when many people were migrating to America, many were brining in new diseases to the local native and many were dying in numbers due to the lack of medical treatment. Many were either dying because of the diseases brought or some were to weak to support themselves that they ended up dying from starvation. We also see that Africans were sold into slavery all over the world and used for harsh labor and suffered extreme treatment. 

    I like how Oliver talks about the financial lack that Africa has and the lack or resources they have to medical necessities. It's very true that we should be working together to find a vaccine to help the world go back to some kind of new normal. 

    Taking this class has opened my eye to look further than the article talks about. To recall what we have read and see why they thought what they did. To focus on the wrong and right and see between the lines. If I would have read this a few weeks back before the class, I would have understood that they lacked money and finances but would have never seen why Africans felt so hurt by what the scientist had suggested.   

4) Justin Dallaire. “Why Pride sponsors shouldn’t hit pause during Black Lives Matter protests.” strategy. June 9, 2020. https://strategyonline.ca/2020/06/09/why-pride-sponsors-shouldnt-hit-pause-during-black-lives-matter-protests/

While reading this article we that the LGBTQ community has been rising in Canada and has been receiving much support from name brands. We see that many people are focusing on the BLM and the LGBTQ and many are now hanging rainbow flags and make their products rainbow to show their support towards the LGBTQ community during Pride month. We see that while this is great the brands need to make sure that they aren't only doing this because of new movements or that the brands that are supporting these movements/communities should have a history of doing so. 

Examples from the article are Ben and Jerry who have always been very liberal in their ideas and have felt that they want to make sure that people are aware that they support equality for others. This is extremely important because if new brands are now supporting we have to see the reason behind it and do our research on the brand. We have to see them for what their past brought to the table before they started supporting.

This reminds me on our recent blogs we did,  we see for instance the feminist movement was being supported by the enlightenment and saw that these women can hold roles just as much as men could. We see that women walked in many parades to show their views on the discrimination blacks were facing for education, work, and housing. We also the enlightenments supporting people of color. We see the reason behind their support and we see the reason behind the support the women also gave. 

This article would have been read differently months before this class because, I would have just been happy to see that the LGBTQ community is expanding and that many are now supporting. I would have read the article and picked to only read the positive and not focus on the negative parts of the article. Now that we know more history that many people of color and women faced, it makes more sense why this article is important for todays society to understand. 

3) Ganesh Chakravarthi. “Is it Time to Embrace the Anthropocene? The Anthropocene requires that humanity take responsibility for preserving the earth and its species.” The Diplomat. February 11, 2020. https://thediplomat.com/2020/02/is-it-time-to-embrace-the-anthropocene/

While reading this article It brought me back to times of the Big Bang. It reminded me of our first classes and how we learned about the extinction of Dinosaurs and other species. It reminds me of how many species now are going extinct many killed for instance Elephants for their tusks or sea lions. It also brings up to my attention the recent fires that Australia suffered and one image of the Koala that a women saved but eventually died due to his injuries. 

This also reminded me of another class I took, I believe a religious class and the professor talked  about the environment and how climate change is making the environment worse and how factories are polluting the area and causing holes in the ozone layer. We then watched a documentary by Al Gore.

I do see what the article is saying and believe that he is absolutely right that if we don't start now to save our planet everything will eventually be extinct and we won't have anything to show to our future generations. The importance in keeping the environment at peace is just important as the air we breath. 


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