Chapter 23 Capitalism and Culture Ch.23

While reading the last chapter we see that the world has changed in all aspects. The main topic I want to focus on in this chapter is Religion and Global Modernity. I find this topic extremely important to me because I am a strong believer in my religion and honestly hate seeing how many people have turned there backs on religion. In the chapter we see the author write about how "religion was headed for extinction in the face of modernity, science, communism, or globalization." Many countries started to stray from religion and the science became the main focus. We see many people didn't want to believe in something that couldn't be measured and found it ignorant. 

Now in the 20th century the chapter talks about how people are responding to something called "fundamentalism, a militant piety defensive, assertive, and exclusive--that took shape to some extent in every major religious tradition." They saw religion as a "cosmic war" between the forces of good and evil." Recently, when I moved to California I noticed how many people are agnostic and atheist. Being someone who lived in Tennessee and Texas majority of the people I knew were either Catholic or Christian. It was shocking moving here and seeing how many people don't believe in God. It was shocking to hear why they didn't believe. I feel that because of the past thats why so many people  have pulled away from religion and have turned to Science. There are even churches of Scientology and in Los Angeles you can visit the main church. Many have a hard time believing in something they  can't see. They want something measurable and something that is going to make their lives different but with no changes needed. 


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