H1N1 Pandemic

2020 has been a year full of surprises with the death of Kobe Bryant and his daughter and in the end of las year December the death of Juice Wrld a famous rapper has seemed like enough that the world could take but 2020 had more. We entered new territory with a new virus appearing worldwide killing thousands of people and leaving many fearful of leaving their homes. We ended up going into lock-down and since mid March continue to remain under strict rules that must be followed to avoid more deaths. While things seemed looked like they were going to calm down we are now seeing a second wave of deaths due to COVID-19. COVID-19 has taken it's toll all over the world and while nurses and doctors work vigorously day and night the numbers continue to rise.  While this Pandemic is worldwide there have been other Pandemics in the past. 

RRSpin - Tuesday Halifax County COVID-19 update

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has an article on another pandemic that started in the Spring of 2009. They stated that it was "detected first in the United States and spread quickly across the United States and the world" (CDC). This virus was called the "H1N1 pdm09 virus" Few younger people had any existing immunities, however "nearly one-third of people over 60 years had antibodies against the virus, likely from exposure to an older H1N1 virus earlier in their lives." While there was a vaccine there wasn't a large amount available with that being said there was an increase in people getting ill. "From April 12,2009 to April 10,2010, CDC estimated there were 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3.-89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (range: 195,086-402,719), and 12,469 deaths (range: 8868-18,306) in the United States due to the (H1N1) pdm09 virus" (CDC). They estimated that over "151,7000-575,400 people died worldwide" (CDC). Many of these deaths occurred in people 65 or younger. 

H1N1 Virus

While these pandemics have happened there has been an end to them or a vaccine made that assisted everyone worldwide. While we are fearful for COVID-19 and im sure many are wondering where everything stands. I know these times are hard and I know personally the mental state it can leave many but we must stay positive during these crazy times and keep our friends and family close virtually and give as many air hugs as possible!


  1. You are absolutely right about how 2020 started off on sadness of loosing someone so dear to us all then it kept giving, unfortunately. It is insane how things that were not acceptable 8 months ago are now the new norm. I work for a bank, so previously if someone walked into the bank in a mask my immediate reaction was not to greet them. But here we are refusing entrance to anyone WITHOUT masks. I just hope that we find a solution and deal with it better than our ancestors did with the previous pandemics. Take care and stay healthy!


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