Big History

What is Big History?

Before diving into what is "Big History" I thought to myself, it's the history of life. It's how the world is today. While reviewing and doing my research we see that the Big History starts from the very beginning. A man named David Christian started a project that began teaching from the very beginning with the Big Bang, and then from there he started a project called Big History Project.  What it does is combine science, history, and geography all together and tells us the history. Steven Hawkins became so interested in the topic and wanted to make sure that everyone had a chance to experience it as well. So the project became available to students in high-school. The Big History Project is divided into 5 chapters; 1. The Big Bang 2. Our Solar System and Earth 3. Life 4. Humans 5.The Modern Revolution and the Future. 

OER Project: We're on the Move! – BHP Teacher Blog

While I have never heard of this project it is interesting and very visually attractive to learn and read about. It has made me interested in what this person believes and what he has to say. We have been taught from a very young age about our history but to have a combination of Science, History, and Geography is fascinating. I find it intriguing because it's very different and it's something I've actually never heard of before. I personally feel that this could be a great and an effective way to teach History. By combining all subjects into one would be a great way to learn faster and understand how all topics revolved around one another. If this was something that was available when I was younger I would've been very fascinated by it and would've possibly pursued something in the Science field or History field.  


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